Pax Christi Aotearoa New Zealand
Kia tau te rangimarie ki a taatou katoa
Visit us at
Te Unga Waka Marae,
1 Clyde Street, Epsom,Auckland 1023, New Zealand
Postal Address:
PO Box 99380, Auckland Central, New Zealand.
ph: +64 9 377-5541 or + 64 21 729944
1 Clyde Street, Epsom,Auckland 1023, New Zealand
Postal Address:
PO Box 99380, Auckland Central, New Zealand.
ph: +64 9 377-5541 or + 64 21 729944
We need your support through:
- Volunteers:
Call or email if you can give some time to contribute to our work for peace for all everywhere
- Donations:
We rely on donations...any contribution is greatly received.
Account Name:
Pax Christi Aotearoa New Zealand
Account Number:
Account Name:
Pax Christi Aotearoa New Zealand
Account Number:
Listening to the People of the Land Project.
The purpose of this Project is the sharing of ideas on healing the relationships that have been harmed through Western colonisation, especially bearing in mind settler Christianity’s part in the colonising endeavour.
- We welcome your contribution to the Project which stems from Pax Christi’s publication of Listening to the People of the Land: Christianity, Colonisation and the Path to Redemption (the book can be ordered through the Pax Christi office:
- You may want to share:
- A response to the book or a particular part of the book
- Action/s your church or organisation is carrying out to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi
- Effecting institutional change
- Helpful educational resources
- Further thought on the international implications of matters covered in the book
- Relevant theological reflection
- Writing on related themes.
If you want to contribute to this discussion, go to “Guidelines for submitting a contribution to the Listening to the People of the Land Project.”
Immediately available here are
Listening to the People of the Land: Contents and Introduction
Facing our Colonial History: A Challenge for All. Sue Bradford’s presentation at the launch of the book,
22 February 2019
Guidelines for submitting a contribution to the Listening to the People of the Land Project
• Responses to the Book:
• Blessing of the Book:
• Reviews:
Resources associated with Colonisation: